Fanny Fauconnier, Flute.
Trained at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp as well as at the Imep in Namur where she obtained a specialized master's degree as well as an aggregation, Fanny Fauconnier has attended numerous masterclasses. She also studied in Luxembourg in order to obtain a concert diploma.
She is the winner of the Belfius Classics competition.
She graduated in 2014 and moved away for a year.
On her return to Belgium, she obtained the post of flute teacher at the Académie de Bastogne.
In 2018, Fanny Fauconnier joined the teaching team of the Internship International de Musique in the Province of Liège (Spa).
She is also a freelance flautist.
Chamber music is one of her favorite repertoire, but she also enjoys playing jazz and double bass.

Laurence Falisse, Piano.
From an early age, Laurence Falisse had the chance to meet many teachers who helped respond to her curiosity for sounds. It is at the Royal Conservatory of Liège in the class of Jean Schils, where she will also work with Christophe Meunier and Vassil Guenov, that she will finish her master's degree specializing in piano. In this same establishment, she also obtained a master's degree in support and aggregation. She then continued her training for the solo piano with Bruno Mezzena in Taranto (Italy) as well as through numerous masterclasses in Europe.
Above all, she likes the exchange: exploring all kinds of repertoires, discovering new horizons by participating in multidisciplinary projects such as collaboration with dancers, performing with various chamber music groups.
She also transmits her passion for music through teaching at the Verviers Conservatory.

Alain Pire, trombone.
Trained at the Royal Conservatory of Liège, Alain Pire has been a soloist at the Orchester Philharmonique Royal de Liège since 1978.
He was a trombonist at the Ictus Ensemble from its creation in 1994 until 2019.
As a soloist, Alain Pire has performed in various festivals in pieces by L. Francesconi, P. Bartholomée, H. Pousseur, JL Fafchamps, G. Aperghis, T. Jonson, D. Bosse, F. Fiorini, T . Hosakawa, JL Fafchamps, P. Dusapin, I. Kefalidis, M. Levinas ...
Anxious to highlight the Trombone in other repertoires more specific to brass, he participates in the creation of the Open Slide ensemble (2012-2018) with which he revisits, transcribes, arranges and performs original and musical pieces. most varied aesthetic.
Alain Pire is Professor at the Royal Conservatory of Liège where he created and directs the Department of Graves Brass.
He is a founding member of the International Music Course of the Province of Liège (Spa).
Alain Pire is Edwards artist
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